Managing change – this is what change management means, literally speaking. We at SEMA Consult have a different understanding: We facilitate change. We do not want to and cannot demand cultural changes according to plan. We want to accompany them and assist our clients in shaping the change. Proactive and creative. No matter if whether the organization is globally active or operates in a regional area. Change is an omnipresent constant since the respective entrepreneurial challenges are always noticeable and must be mastered successfully. Standstill? That is impossible!
Do you want to initiate changes and are looking for professional support? We will gladly advise you! Contact us non-committally now
The modern world is characterizsed by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. These four major challenges facing organizations today are summarized by the term of VUCA. The willingness and ability to act proactively is increasingly required in order to adapt and change the organizational structure, strategy, and culture of an organization with targeted measures in a forward-looking manner in order to successfully meet these challenges. We help you to shape your change process sustainably and successfully with our many years of expertise.
Our procedure:
• We consider the overall context of all factors at the same time and are guided by our understanding of systemic organizational development.
• We design all measures to make them congruent with each other and help trigger change in a comprehensive and integrated manner.
• We place importance to designing the change process to implement change on an individual level of action as well, thereby leading success.
• The interventions we implement act from within the organization.
• This helps us deliberately access the resources already available in the organization to permit sustainable change.
• We see resistance as an opportunity, rather than an obstacle: Any resistance provides some information or perspective yet to be evaluated – to either stay on course as before, or to adjust the process.