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SEMA Consult: Culture. Strategy.

Our Strategy services

As a systemic consulting institute, we support companies, teams and managers in developing and establishing sustainable solutions. Our service portfolio in the area of Strategy is based on three pillars:

Strategy Development
Department and Team Strategy
Company Succession

Our services at a glance

Strategy Development

  • We strengthen your employees' identification with the corporate strategy.
  • This holds enormous potential: employees act as ambassadors for the strategy, implement it internally and support external communication goals.
  • We take into account that every company is unique.
  • That's why we work with our clients to develop tailor-made solutions to fully exploit this potential.
Learn more about Strategy Development

Department and Team Strategy

  • We develop your department and team strategy in such a way that it makes the greatest possible contribution to the company's success in the long term.
  • The basis for this is a comprehensive analysis of the current situation, including the relevant stakeholders and internal structures.
  • Using team-centred methods, we develop the strategy interactively and together with you, defining the department's core tasks, roles, values, goals, mission and vision.
  • The results can be used to define, develop and implement all strategic and operational activities to make the mission effective within the department and the team.
  • In this way, we optimize efficiency and collaboration in existing teams and develop successful new strategies.
Learn more about Department and Team Strategy

Company Succession

  • A well-planned company succession ensures continuity and trust both internally and externally.
  • We do not see corporate succession as an isolated measure, but as an integral part of the overall corporate strategy.
  • The starting point for succession planning is a comprehensive analysis of the company's values, strategic goals, mission and vision.
  • Using customized methods, we develop the optimal succession plan together with our clients.
  • In doing so, we focus on two central questions: to whom should the company be handed over and what is the optimal succession process? We support you before, during and after the transition and ensure clarity and transparent communication within the company in all phases.
Learn more about Company Succession


The path to an effecient corporate strategy

A successful company is motivated and driven by a meaningful corporate strategy. Based on the company's values, long-term goals, vision and mission, we work with you to develop a customized corporate strategy. Components of the corporate strategy can also be transferred to individual departments and teams. We are at your side for this as well as for the development of your own departmental and team strategies. In our opinion, the company succession is also part of the big picture. We are happy to support you with your succession planning.



Why Strategy?

Because a strong and sustainable strategy is a key driver for successful business models, products and services. It helps to motivate employees and give them a meaningful role. It is a powerful instrument of strategic corporate management - and therefore a management tool of successful companies and organizations.

Would you like to learn more about Strategy?

Why SEMA Consult?

We bring together corporate strategy as well as organisational and human resource development in one consulting house. Because we are convinced that organisation, culture and identity belong together - we look at these topics holistically. Our mission is to enable companies and administrations to derive the greatest possible benefit for their organisation from identity. SEMA Consult always keeps the client's individual situation in mind. The advantage for our clients: There is only one contact person for both knowledge domains - culture and strategy. This means reduced transaction costs internally. All change and strategy measures are coordinated and intertwined: a strong strategy strengthens the organisation and makes its purpose effective. SEMA Consult designs the framework for this and ensures that it is adequately filled with content. Clear, agile and digital.



Let’s get to know each other!

Schedule an initial, non-committal consultation now.

SEMA Consult GmbH
Aurikelweg 17
D-33739 Bielefeld

Contact: Click here
Phone: +49 521 1425 9003
Mail: info@sema-consult.com



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